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This cake is gluten and lactose free :)


150ml lactose free cream
5 eggs
5 table spoons white granulated sugar
5 table spoons almond flour
Use simple baking pan (square)


1. Put eggs in the mixer bowl, start to mix, put one by one spoons with sugar
2. When mixture is fluffy add almon flour thru stiffer, one by one spoon, not all at once. Mix slowly with silicone spoon. Not too much, just enough so its mixed
3. Put mixture in pan, over baking paper, lay it in one layer
4. Bake for 15min, from both sides, 180t, should be golden
5. Let it cool down
6. Cut biscuit in squares
7. Mix the cream, put in the piping bag with open star pipe layers one by one, creating stars around the edge but flat cream in the middle.

NB! Denne oppskriften ble sendt inn som et bidrag i Norges Beste Bakst. Bremykt kan ikke garantere at oppskriften er fullstendig. Gi oss gjerne beskjed om du skulle oppdage feil ved oppskriften. Tusen takk for hjelpen!